
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ebru GüZEL” ,找到相关结果约225908条。
Growing Skull Fractures
Mehmet Tatl?,Aslan Güzel,Ebru Güzel
Dicle Medical Journal , 2005,
Abstract: Growing skull fractures are poorly understood complications of pediatric skull fractures. The incidence of growing skull fractures ranges from less than 0.05% to 1.6%. The pathophysiology and some aspects of its management are still controversial. The most frequent location of Growing skull fractures was in the parietal and parieto-occipital region. Generally the patients suffered from headhache, vomiting and epileptic attacks. Every child with a skull fracture must be followed until the fracture heals
Melanotic schwannoma of the L5 root
Aslan Güzel,Ebru Güzel,Uygur Er,Zafer Tokta?,?zlem Yap?c?er
- , 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1971400916638359
Abstract: Melanotic neoplasm of the central nervous system is rare and the majority of them are metastatic. Melanotic schwannoma (MS) is an unusual variant of nerve sheath neoplasm accounting for less than 1% of primary nerve sheath tumors. A case involving a 36-year-old man with MS at the L5 root is presented. Surgery, differential diagnosis, radiology, histology, and treatment of this rare entity are discussed
Distance Education of Vocational High Schools in Turkey
Yüksek??retim ve Bilim Dergisi , 2012,
Abstract: The aim of vocational high schools is to teach qualified, high self-sufficient, self-confident, technical staff who have critical and mathematical thinking competence and who can utilize science and technology efficiently. However, because of the limitations of traditional education, students can not take enough education attendance. In this context; along with the advances in science and technology area, “Web- Based Distance Education Programme”, which provides equal education conditions to students, is developed. This programme has got great progresses in abroad, and has also started to practice in Turkish Vocational High Schools. It is determined that some Vocational High Schools have applied Web-Based Distance Education in Medical Documentation and Secretarial (MDS) and Medical Laboratory Techniques (MLT) Associate Degree Programmes which are also existed in Bülent Ecevit University (BEU) Ahmet Erdo an Health Services Vocational High School. It is observed that the universities, that implemented distance education in these associate degree programmes, have higher technical infrastructure and they design a constructivism-based modules. It is considered that this distance education programme for MDS and MLT Associate Degree Programmes in certain Vocational Schools, can also be implemented for students in Medical Documentation and Secretarial (MDS) and Medical Laboratory Techniques (MLT) which continues education by computers and overhead projector that is slightly different from traditional education.
Pediatric Giant-Sized Intracerebral Hydatid Cyst: Reports Of Two Cases
Güner MENEK?E,Kerem Mazhar ?ZSOY,Ergün DA?LIO?LU,Ebru GüZEL
Journal of Neurological Sciences , 2012,
Abstract: Hydatid cyst disease is a parasitic disease caused by the larval forms of echinococci. Although the liver and lungs are the most common organs affected by the disease, it may appear rarely in central nervous system. It has two main forms as the cystic form and alveolar form. Cerebral hydatid cyst is more common in pediatric population and 75% of patients in the present series were children. Especially in children, the cysts may cause no symptoms until they become large size. Radiologic investigations including Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging are important and used in the preoperative diagnosis of hydatid cyst. The essential treatment of hydatid cyst is surgical and the aim of surgery is to remove the cyst without rupture. The Dowling's technique is the most effective surgical procedure for the excision of cysts. Giant-sized intracerebral hydatid cysts in childhood are rarely reported in the literature. In this study, we report two cases of giant intracerebral hydatid cysts which were removed without rupture by Dowling's technique.
Analysis of MR Imaging of Wrists in Female Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Healthy Controls
Karabulut,?zlen; Tuncer,Mehmet Cudi; Karabulut,Zülfü; Güzel,Ebru;
International Journal of Morphology , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-95022009000300025
Abstract: the objective of this study was to evaluate morphological changes of the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (cts) and healthy controls, to correlate the mri findings of wrists. this study compared not only morphological changes of the median nerve and also displayed descriptively structures in carpal tunnel between patients diagnosed with idopathic cts and healthy controls. our study involved 60 hand, 30 of hand were evaluated diagnosed with idiopathic cts and 30 hand as healthy controls bilaterally. two provocative tests (phalen's and tinel's test) were performed on each hand for both the patient group (60 wrist) and the control group (60 wrist). with regard to phalen and tinel's test results, 24 and 26 wrists were excluded from patient and control groups respectively. totally 70 wrists were evaluated, and in terms of cross-sectional area of median nerve at the level of distal radio-ulnar joint, pisiform bone and the hook of hamate bone by mri in the patient and control groups. in addition to evaluation of cross-sectional area of median nerve, we determined signal intensity of wrists and different localization of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. cross-sectional area of the median nerve measured by wrist magnetic resonance at the level of metacarpal bones and signal intensity of wrists may be considered as a valuable indicator to determine patients referred with idiopathic cts.
Analysis of MR Imaging of Wrists in Female Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Healthy Controls Análisis de Imágenes de RM de las Mu ecas en Pacientes Mujeres con Síndrome del Túnel Carpiano y Controles Sanos
?zlen Karabulut,Mehmet Cudi Tuncer,Zülfü Karabulut,Ebru Güzel
International Journal of Morphology , 2009,
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate morphological changes of the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and healthy controls, to correlate the MRI findings of wrists. This study compared not only morphological changes of the median nerve and also displayed descriptively structures in carpal tunnel between patients diagnosed with idopathic CTS and healthy controls. Our study involved 60 hand, 30 of hand were evaluated diagnosed with idiopathic CTS and 30 hand as healthy controls bilaterally. Two provocative tests (Phalen's and Tinel's test) were performed on each hand for both the patient group (60 wrist) and the control group (60 wrist). With regard to Phalen and Tinel's test results, 24 and 26 wrists were excluded from patient and control groups respectively. Totally 70 wrists were evaluated, and in terms of cross-sectional area of median nerve at the level of distal radio-ulnar joint, pisiform bone and the hook of hamate bone by MRI in the patient and control groups. In addition to evaluation of cross-sectional area of median nerve, we determined signal intensity of wrists and different localization of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Cross-sectional area of the median nerve measured by wrist magnetic resonance at the level of metacarpal bones and signal intensity of wrists may be considered as a valuable indicator to determine patients referred with idiopathic CTS. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios morfológicos del nervio mediano en pacientes con síndrome del túnel carpiano (STC) y controles sanos, para correlacionar los hallazgos de las RM de mu eca. Este estudio comparó no sólo los cambios morfológicos del nervio mediano, también se muestran en forma descriptiva estructuras del túnel carpiano entre los pacientes diagnosticados con STC idiopatico y controles sanos. Nuestro estudio incluyó 60 manos, 30 manos fueron evaluados con diagnóstico de STC idiopático y 30 manos como controles sanos, bilateralmente. Dos pruebas de provocación (prueba de Phalen y prueba de Tinel) se realizaron en cada mano para el grupo de pacientes (60 mu ecas) y el grupo control (60 mu ecas). En lo que respecta a los resultados de prueba de Phalen y prueba de Tinel, 24 y 26 mu ecas fueron excluidas del grupo paciente y grupo control respectivamente. En total 70 mu ecas fueron evaluadas, en términos de la sección transversal del área del nervio mediano a nivel de la articulación radio-ulnar distal, el hueso pisiforme y el hamulus del hueso hamate por medio de resonancia magnética en gruposs paciente y control. Además de la ev
The Effects of the Quincke Spinal Needle Bevel Insertion on Postdural Puncture Headache and Hemodynamics in Obstetric Patients
Abdülmenap Güzel,Ebru Tarik?i Kili?,Fikret Salik,Hakan Akelma
- , 2018, DOI: 10.4103/aer.AER_101_18
Abstract: Spinal anesthesia is a widely used procedure in modern anesthesia. Although it is a reliable and frequently used anesthetic procedure, it involves complications, including postdural puncture headache caused by arachnoid punctured, which significantly affects postoperative well-being. In this study, we aimed to observe headache frequency with 26-G Quincke spinal needle in either transverse or sagittal planes
Long-Term Nikotine Administration Impairs Blood Parameters and Femoral Bone Tissue Structure in an Osteoporosis Model of Rats  [PDF]
Murat Baloglu, Ebru G?kalp ?zkorkmaz
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines (JBM) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2019.711001
Abstract: Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease that results in the loss of bone mass and impared bone structure. Animal models for osteoporosis are generated by ovariectomy. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into control, bilateral ovariectomy and bilateral ovariectomy and subcutaneous nicotine administered (received nicotine sulphate, 2 mg/kg) groups, daily for 28 days. At the end of the period, rats were sacrified under anesthesia blood samples were taken and femoral tissues were dissected. Estrogen, calcium and alkaline phosphatase levels were measured. Tissue samples were prepared for histopathogical examination. Sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and examined under light microcope. Biochemical parameters were decreased depending on the overiectomy, also decrement was notable with nicotine intake. In the ovariectomy group; increased inflammatory cells with degenerative changes around the femoral compact bone and dilatation of osteon structures in bone trabeculae and apoptotic changes in osteocyte cells in bone lacuna were apparent. In the ovariectomy with nicotine administration group, excessive dilatation of the havers lamellae in the compact bone region, increased osteoclastic activity, picnosis and apoptotic nucleus of the osteoclastic cells located in the lacuna, and increased collagen fibers in the matrix were observed. We suggest that ovariectomy and nicotine administration together effect estrogen and calcium metabolism negatively, stimulate alterations in the structural properties of bone matrix, also affect osteocyte development and bone lamellar structure that may accelerate osteoporosis development.
Abdullah Ad?güzel
International Journal of Instruction , 2012,
Abstract: The aim of this study is investigating the Levels of Strain, From the Point of Various Variables (according to gender, branch, working at a job which provides financial gain, the reason to prefer the teaching profession, the number of digests of related field which have been followed, the frequency of weekly using internet, the aim of using internet, the frequency of weekly utilization from a library at studies related with branch, and the number of read books monthly) , at Their Efforts of Obtain Information of Preservice Teachers’ of Secondary Education. Study carried out by general screening model and data has been collected by content validity and reliability has been through a survey. The opinions of 115 teachers were included in the study. The scale developed by the researcher used in the research. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the scale has been determined as .968. The value of the normal distribution of the data set as 6.57. Preservice teachers’ in their efforts to obtain information, the information needed to identify, access to information, assessment, use and in this process to consider the ethical and legal values of stages have been forced from time to time. Preservice teachers’ views on the strain level did not vary according to personal characteristics. Preservice teachers in the social field to learn to work less hard than Preservice teachers in the fields of science and mathematics. Study skills and habits of the prospective teachers to learn to be scraped in pre-service education and in-service training of vocational qualifications to support this have been proposed.
Tourism as a paradox creative sector from socio-cultural perspective: A sociological analysis on Dalyan destination
F. ?zlem Güzel
International Journal of Human Sciences , 2013,
Abstract: While the local people and tourists being in a confrontation is a desirable situation during the tourism activities’ which has economic income and employment creation impact, taking places on the destinations of which the starting point to be their natural and historical resources, it could emerge as a situation that creates paradoxes as well as, on the regions where the necessary socio-cultural awareness is no generated on the local people. In this context, the purpose of this study is to evaluate perceptions of locals in the scope of socio-cultural and economic in Dalyan destination towards tourists coming to this destination. Based on this aim, depth interview technique which is a qualitative research method based on the idea that it could provide more concrete data is preferred. Data, obtained from interviewed participants in the selected sample were subjected to sociological analysis. As a result of the sociological analysis the concerns of the local people especially about the socio-cultural degeneration on behaviors and movements of youths created by tourism which contributes economically in the region was observed.

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